The Forrestal Group, Inc.

Fee Structure

Hourly Rate

The Forrestal offers a range of hourly fees from $50.00 – $280.00 per hour. The fee is directly tied to the service needed and the expertise of our consultant performing that service. Typical sales research and advice on how to file your own appeal would fit into the lower range. Developing and presenting evidence before the county and state hearing officers would gravitate to the higher fee. The initial consultation with our company is generally free of charge. Example: We provided the service to a health industry company that reduced their property tax liability by $250,000 per year. Our hourly fee and expenses were about $13,000.

Flat Fee

Many clients simply want a fee that is absolute and includes all hourly fees, expenses, filing fees, travel and lodging costs. For this project we would estimate those fees and match them against the scope of work of the assignment. Generally, we can provide an estimate of the costs for the project with a not–to–exceed guarantee. Example: A major corporation had unintentionally failed to file their personal property taxes for several years. We were able to work with the State Auditors and eliminate the penalties and other costs for our client. The flat fee for this service was $3,250, saved our client thousands of dollars in penalties and fees, and most importantly, restored the reputation and image of the client in that community and state. We also offer a flat fee combined with a smaller contingency fee. This helps our clients with sharing cost and enjoying more savings.

Contingency Fees

This fee structure is most popular with our clients as Forrestal takes all of the risk and the client is not required to risk a single penny. This fee arrangement provides maximum upside for our clients with absolutely no risks. Under this arrangement The Forrestal Group, Inc. pays all costs including travel and lodging, filing fees, appraisals, attorney fees and any other associated costs. We share the savings with our clients and continue to monitor the property assessment as per our agreement with the client. Our typical savings range from 19%–55% with an average over the past five (5) years of 35%. A strong part of our program is that we have been successful in getting the property assessment reduced and stabilized for years in the future through our 2–4 year program resulting in renewed savings to our clients on their tax bills.


This fee structure is developed by our communications with our clients to meet their specific needs and objectives. The management team at Forrestal Group, Inc. remains open to suggestions.

Public Relations Program

Our company realizes that there is a need for the typical home owner for information about the property tax appeal process. As a public service, our initial consultation is no cost as we provide the guidance to enable the property owner to work through their own appeal. Call us and email us to set up a time to talk.